HarrisTweed® is more than a unique hand-woven textile, it is also the story of a emblematic place with rich history and culture, beautiful landscapes and vibrant communities located in the beautiful, remote islands of the Outer Hebrides in Scotland. For many generations, the islanders of Lewis, Harris, Uist and Barra, in the wild and beautiful Outer Hebrides of Scotland, have woven fabrics in their own homes, known as HarrisTweed®. Made from pure virgin wool dyed, spun, treated and finished by artisans in the Outer Hebrides. In addition to being natural, biodegradable, non-allergenic and water-repellent, HarrisTweed® is energy efficient to create and beautiful, durable and practical to use.

The process


Harris Tweed® cloth is made with pure virgin wools, which are blended together to gain the advantages of their unique characteristics. Although most of the wool comes from the Scottish mainland, in the early summer, the island communities join together to round up and shear the local sheep, which are dotted throughout the landscape.